AFGcockpit (versions history)


Version 2 (August 2010)

Some features:

  • Two 4051 muxers connected in parallell (only uses 3 pins to control, 2 analog ins). Can now read input from up to 16 different sources.
    • Aileron, rudder, elevator, elevator trim controlled by rotary pots
    • Throttle and flaps (value is converted to 4 discrete steps; 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1) controlled by fader pots
    • Breaks (parking, left, right) are controlled with buttons connected to second muxer. Values converted to bools.
  • LCD to show different values read from FG. This is mainly for debug and is planned to be removed.
  • Switch to enable/disable sending data to FG, in case you want to use mouse, autopilot etc.
  • 20 different data read from FG over serial port.
  • Decided to use ascii instead of binary format; easier to debug and fast enough.
  • Main loop runs at around 460 times per second if FG send data at 2 Hz and Arduino send at (if necessary) 10 Hz.

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Version 0

Features (?!):

  • 4 pots to control aileron, rudder, elevator and throttle. Each pot use one analog input pin.
  • Parking break switch and LED are controlled/read using digital pins.
  • Altimeter, rpm, airspeed, turn indicator, magnetic compass, heading indicator + offset read but not used.
  • Data is only sent to FG when the value of a control has changed. This will cause FG to write "Error reading data" to stderr, but this is no problem.

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